Gamification & Microlearning:
Why it works?

With gamification, you'll be able to improve your employee's qualifications - do it cheaper, faster, with less effort from your part.

E-Learning platforms based on gamification are designed to maximize the effectiveness of training

Gamification - the application of game concepts into business processes brings results!
Microlearning - learning in small doses instead of a "knowledge" dump is better for retention.

Some facts and challenges faced by employees in a modern workplace:

83% feel more motivated while participating in gamified trainings, as opposed to 28% without gamification.

10% only get bored in trainings, compared to 49% without gamification.

3% only feel unproductive, as opposed to 12% while participating in traditional trainings.

28% less time needed by the trainees to answer questions when micro-learning is applied, compared to traditional learning.

20% better results achieved in tests with microlearning.

45% better knowledge retention is achieved while using microlearning concepts instead of a paralyzing knowledge-dump.

That's why Edustrada gamifies e-learning and is designed to help you make the most out of your training budget with its tailored courses to boost employee motivation and engagement.

Gamification Increases

Motivation & Engagement

Creativity & Innovation

Personnel productivity

Skill development

How gamification shapes the work environment?

Get to know the numbers behind gamification and learn how it helps employees all over the world perform at their best!

Employees want new ways to learn & grow within companies

Summary of key findings from TalentLMS’s 2019 Gamification at Work survey*:

  • 43% of the employees haven’t noticed any gamification elements at work.
  • 33% would like more game-like features in their employee training software.
  • 83% of those who receive gamified training feel motivated.

# of Employees who lack gamification say that with it

would be more productive

without gamification

feel bored and unproductive

Company's brand with gamification is...

more appealing to new recruits

Gamification of training boosts engagement

A vast majority of employees who receive gamified training programs, say that gamification makes them feel happier and more productive at work. *

Feel more productive
Feel happier
Feel more motivated

* Summary of key findings from TalentLMS’s 2019 Gamification at Work survey.

Attract and retain the best talent in a way that feels more like a game and less like a chore

Edustrada logo

Edustrada is a motivational tool that makes it easier to learn and develop employee skills. It is designed to help you make the most out of your training budget.

A gamified solution to a productivity problem: Employee Engagement

Those case studies speak for themselves


46,6% increase in user engagement in 3 months

Introduced gamification into their training program - Deloitte Leadership Academy.

In 3 months, the number of daily visits to the Leadership Academy portal increased by 46.6%, relatively to the typical 12 months.

Training programs that were gamified took 50% less time and significantly improved participants' long-term commitment.

Ford Motor

Employee activity boost by 100% in 5 weeks

The organization gamified an educational platform for employees.

User activity increased by 100% in 5 weeks. At the end of the program, growth totaled 417%.


87% Employees more competent, 10 M$ saved

The company has implemented microlearning for 10,000 employees. 90% of them got involved in the program.

87% said their confidence at work had increased. Accidents at work fell 41% and, according to the company's calculations, $ 10 million was saved.


135% faster increase in learning new skills

Autodesk applied gamification to a free trial version of its software and thus encouraged users to learn the program.

135% faster increase in skills in performing tasks compared to the control group.
Additionally, users expressed much greater satisfaction with using this system compared to the classic solution.

Increased the participation in their sales event by 10% by creating a participation-based point economy.

Gamify your corporate processes:
Sales & Onboarding

Revolutionize employee learning and onboarding just as they did!

Domino's Pizza

30% increase in sales

In 2015, the company gamified the recruitment and upskilling process using the Pizza Hero application, which, among others, used rankings and awards.

As a result, sales increased by 30%.

Hotel Group

Onboarding time cut from 5 to 2 weeks

IHG has used microlearning in over 5,000 hotels. Mainly in the areas of customer service and managerial training.

Onboarding was minimized from 5 weeks to 2 weeks and employees started to perform better on competency tests.


10% increase in sales, call-time decreased by 15%

Cisco used gamification to streamline its virtual meetings for global sales leaders and to improve the efficiency of its call centers.

Sales increased by 10% and the time of calls in their call centers decreased by 15%.

At Home

90% decrease in onboarding time

Microlearning was used in onboarding, customer service and leadership programs. It has been made available to 3,000 users in over 100 stores.

Onboarding time was cut by 90%, the number of accidents dropped by 36%, and company training was completed in 4 weeks instead of 6 months.

Live Ops
LiveOps' call centers have decreased the talk time by 15% and increased sales by over 8%.

Gamification will enhance

  • Company onboarding processes
  • Promotion and retaining of employees
  • Marketing and employer branding departments
  • Sales department and sales force outsourcing
  • Trade-marketing and visual-merchandising
  • Accounting departments
Edustrada effective e-learning platform


An attractive form of training that facilitates remembering and keeps you informed about your learning progress.

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Edustrada four foundations of gamified e-learning

4 Foundations

  • Gamification
  • Microlearning
  • Multimediality
  • Interactivity

    Learn more...

Gamify your way to success!
Optimize and achieve your goals

Work smarter with gamification and get results.


15% increase in awareness with just 3-5 mins/day

Walmart introduced microlearning in over 150 distribution centers to 75,000 employees. People could spend 3-5 minutes learning the safety rules at any time of the day.

91% of employees benefited from the program. There were 54% fewer security incidents and a 15% increase in awareness of security incidents.


Onboarding time cut from 8 to 4 weeks

Use of microlearning in the processes of onboarding, compliance, data security and HR.

Training time for sales teams decreased from 8 weeks to 4 weeks, retention of new hires increased by 100%, and employee engagement improved.

The language teaching company increased the database of engaged users using the application for a minimum of 10 minutes a day to 300 million.

Magellan Health

From 1,1% to 80% employees engaged in training

Before microlearning was introduced in the company, only 80 of the 6,900 employees benefited from the e-learning (traditional type) offered previously.

After implementation, 80% of employees engaged in training and Magellan Health improved its results.

Astra Zeneca

Achieved 99% completion rate of courses

As many as 97% of the extensive network of agents cooperating with the company participated in medical trainings based on gamification.

Increased the completion rate of the company's partners' medical courses by 99%.

The website's users have solved the problem of AIDS proteins (unresolved for 15 years) in just 10 days!